Discover our data plataform which encourages smart cities.
We designed a data sharing ecosystem to support research and public mobility management in Rio de Janeiro, which is already in action!
And how this
in practice?
Our proposal is to create and maintain a platform to research mobitily softwares, apps e algorithms.
We have already started with the implementation of real-time data collection devices in public transportation in Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), the first city to embark on this journey.

The installation of LoRA (long range) network points and IoT (internet of things) devices is in the full-scale testing phase and will be able to georeference holes, speed bumps, and raised street crossings, besides the vehicle temperature.
This communication technology, which works through radiofrequency, searches to help public managers to make decisions, as they will be able to better visualize adversities and analyze possible solutions for mobility in their cities.
This phase is just the beginning and gives us a small sample of what the technologies are capable of. There are countless possibilities! Our next pledge is to install similar devices on bicycles, to help make routes safer and public actions more efficient, faster and better targeted.
Talk to
the Network!
If you want to know more or make a partnership.
Follow the project in the media:
Official Website City Hall of Campos/RJ;
CIDAC - Center of Information and Data of Campos.