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The 3rd Mob 4.0 Hackathon this year had a partnership with IMTT (Municipal Institute of Traffic and Transport of Campos dos Goytacazes) and toke place between the 13th and 14th of April, from 9am to 5pm, at Santa Paciência Casa Criativa, Rua Barão de Miracema, nº 81 - Centro, and had the following schedule:

Image by Kenny Eliason


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As reference material, in addition to the content available on our website from previous Hackathons, the main points covered in a listening event were offered before the competition with 3 groups of actors in the city: civil society, academia and public authorities.

Image by Elissa Garcia


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We had a speech from Ana Maciel, a member of the public authorities, who brought a little about the experience, challenges and day-to-day needs at IMTT. Furthermore, José Brandão, one of Mob 4.0's collaborators, brought some methods, tools and possible solutions to the topic.

Workshop em andamento


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With the support of Lab Mob, we offered mentoring on Arduino. In addition, we counted with the participation of IMTT members, who brought their experiences on practical application to inspire possible products for each group.



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Exploring the future of smart mobility in Campos dos Goytacazes!

With the aim of understanding the visions and challenges of different actors in the municipality, this event sought to promote a closer relationship between the demands of society, academic research and the actions of public management towards intelligent mobility.


Held on the 10th, 11th and 12th of April, the event brought different workshops active listening and co-creation to collectively build the vision of Capital Mob 4.0, Campos dos Goytacazes, as well as an action plan for its local implementation throughout 2024 by the project team and partners.

In order to effectively understand what the real needs are and what can be built for the city of Campos, we invited 3 different groups to this meeting:

Multidões cidade


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Due to their personal experience living urban mobility in Campos, this group was invited to the first day of the meeting to bring their demands and challenges and dream together about the future of this mobility.

grupo de estudos


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Based on their experience as researchers of urban mobility in Campos, this group was invited to the 2nd day of the meeting to outline together the future of mobility based on the data, research and information that the academic sector already gathers or is able to delve into.

Painel de especialistas


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Based on their experience as collaborators at IMTT (Campos Municipal Traffic and Transport Institute), this group was invited to the 3rd day to, based on information from the previous days, outline possible partnerships with public management and the actions already developed by IMTT .

This series of meetings provided elements for the second moment we promoted in the city, the 3rd Mob 4.0 Hackathon - an activity that consisted of developing technological solutions that can contribute to smarter urban mobility for  

Campos dos Goytacazes.


In addition to our Mob team who helped during the event, we had a group dedicated to creating and facilitating every moment of this meeting:
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Joana Ribeiro

Consultant and Facilitator

Civil Engineer by training, she began working as an independent consultant in the area of ​​group facilitation over 6 years ago. His passion is to bring revolutionary possibilities by bringing awareness to current problems and showing ways evolutionary processes to transcend them.


Mariana Christovam

Consultant and Facilitator

Internationalist, facilitator of learning processes in teams and groups; organizational development; leadership and engagement of teams and teams. Individual process coach. Makes use of different approaches to stimulate collective intelligence in processes collaborative decision-making on complex topics.

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Rangel Amorim

Consultant and Facilitator

Graduated in International Relations, consultant and facilitator of learning and innovation processes, he understands that his role in the world is to contribute to the regeneration of human relationships and nature through the construction of spaces for dialogue and cultures of peace.

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Rodrigo Bueno

Graphic Designer and Facilitator

Graduated in Industrial Design (UEL), specialist in History of Art and Contemporary Culture (UNESP) and in Pedagogy (UniBF). He worked on several teaching and learning projects, as an educator, coordinator, illustrator and creator of methodologies. Always using visual art as a fundamental tool for communicating and developing ideas.



About our

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Mob 4.0's partnership with the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes has existed since the beginning of the project, seeking to create and maintain a platform to research software, applications and mobility algorithms.

Since then, several activities have been carried out in the city that can serve as consultation and reference for the groups' proposals:


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