Writing Campaings
The world “mutirão” originates from the Tupi term motyrõ, which means “common work”. It's the oldest team management technology in the Americas – it's in our blood. Inspired by this intention, we decided to try what it would be like to write a collaborative book and it has worked!
We count on the mobilization of several actors, among them: students, researchers, public managers and enthusiasts in the area and, through a collaborative writing process, we seek to gather different knowledge to build informative and "uncomplicated" materials for the public sector, academia and even the general public.

1st Writing Campaing
“Making Urban Mobility Uncomplicated: Manual of actions for public ”
Organized after the 1st Mob.inc Journey and following the objectives of this event, the book was designed to support public managers in the effective implementation of a more inclusive, intelligent and sustainable urban mobility agenda. It had 10 themes that present themselves as challenges for Brazilian cities, being approached in chapters through suggestions of concrete practical actions, success stories and updated scientific references. As a result of a collective effort by more than 70 authors, spread across Brazil and summoned through the Network of participants in the first event, enthusiasts and specialists in different areas developed, within the themes that most identified, the chapters that made up this final product, divided between Legal Frameworks and Practical Actions.
2nd Writing Campaing
"The Smart City Paradox: making data uncomplicated", organized by the Data Policy and Regulation WG, whose focus is to bring together enthusiasts and specialists in the subject to, as well as in the Uncomplicating Manual, build a collaborative book - are in the process of reviewing the chapters for future publication.
Training Cycles
The training cycles are events promoted by GT Capacitation and have round tables, short courses, masterclasses, among others.
See how our 1st Training Cycle was - Exchanges on smart urban mobility planning:
Come and participate in the 2nd Training Cycle!
"Right to the city and mobility: the challenges in building inclusive, sustainable and smart cities".
The Hackatona Mob 4.0 was promoted by GTs Eventos, Plataforma e Capacitação to enable a competition between programmers and aimed to capture data and solutions for the mobility of municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Check out how the event went:
Podcast - Moblizando
The Moblizando podcast seeks to mobilize actors who discuss cities, urban mobility and technology in weekly episodes. There we have three editorials: Interviews, Deliriums and Inside the MOB